
My Journey

I had the best art teacher as I went through school. She was always supportive of my creations and interest. As a shy introvert, sketching and writing provided a lot of solace in the cold corridors of the University. I continued to experiment with oils and acrylics after I graduated. When I became a mother, arts and crafts became a joy to share with my daughter. In 2016, I randomly picked up a starter kit of Ranger inks during a semi-regular trip to Michaels.  We did it together as a family, and found it incredibly enjoyable. I then became obsessed. Fluid art is so different from oils, watercolours or acrylic. There is a mindfulness to not being incredibly attached to the outcome and letting the journey of the ink take shape. It feels relational to me.

As I learned more about the inks, and how different brands and colours move, along with how different blending substances and surfaces impacted the process, I grew more and more focused on trying different techniques. At first I started mainly landscape or dreamscapes as they are sometimes called, eventually moved into more and more abstraction. 

Recently, I became excited about moving the art into different forms - like coasters and other ceramics. This involved learning how to resin coat - another project that has a bit of a learning curve, but has added the element of high gloss that I particularly love on the inks.

I am grateful for the support of my family, as they have allowed me so many hours of being in my art room. The quiet space to do art has been incredibly therapeutic during harder life moments, especially during the pandamic. 

 I started selling prints at first, feeling very attached to my first paintings but I now have a lot of originals for sale. Sometimes, the reproductions actually look a bit better, if I've zoned in on a particular area of a larger piece.  The originals are frequently very small, as I started working on 4 x 6 and 5 x 7 paper. I've since found larger paper. There are many options. If you see something you like, let me know.  I am also happy to create something custom for you. Thank you for visiting my site. As you can see below, I also love pen and ink, horses, and my family. 


coming!! ASAP